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What is MUSA?

The Music Undergraduate Students' Association (MUSA) is the official student association for all undergraduate students currently attending the UBC School of Music. We are your democratically elected student government body that advocates for changes and improvements that you think would help everyone enjoy and make the best of their time here as a student. Some of our duties include managing the fourth floor lounge, handling lockers, and planning social events. Whether you want more music stands or an endless supply or forks in the lounge - we will try our best to make sure it happens. All suggestions for virtually anything are welcome! Essentially, MUSA is a 'for students, by students' organization that works to improve the lives of music students!



In more official terms, our roles are as follows:


  • to organize students on a democratic, co-operative basis for advancing students’ interests, and advancing the interests of the students’ community;

  • to provide a common framework within which students can communicate, exchange information, and share experience, skills, and ideas;

  • to bring students together to discuss and co-operatively achieve necessary educational, administrative, cultural, and legislative change wherever decision-making affects students;

  • to facilitate co-operation among students in organizing services which supplement the learning experience, provide for human needs, and which develop a sense of community with our peers and with other members of society;

  • to articulate the desire of students to fulfill the duties and be accorded the rights of citizens in British Columbia, in Canada, and in the international community;

  • to achieve the goal of a system of post-secondary education which is accessible to all, which is of high quality, and which is rationally planned; which recognizes the legitimacy of student representation and the validity of students’ rights; and whose role in society is clearly recognized and appreciated.

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